Blue Rose


29/08 - the background is fixed! It's plain, but it's temporary. ^^ Also we're trying to fish for new fanfics, but after Sae's transfer to SHN it's going to be hard ;_; GANBARIMASU ~

Who am I?

Hello there! ~

[x] NAME: Mélanie Pereira
[x] NACIONALITY: Paris, France
[x] CURRENTLY LIVING IN: Leiria, Portugal
[x]YOB: 1994
[x] FLUENT IN: English, Portuguese, French (in case you want to send requests to translate fanfics)
[x] CURRENTLY LEARNING: Japanese, Spanish, Italian (all help is greatly appreciated~ 8D)
[x] AKB FAN SINCE: 2007 (only presented myself to the online AKB fandom society in early 2011 though. I knew about stage48 and nigongogo for some years but never dared to register before, I only stalked some threads so far *ninja* also until some time before that I was pretty much a little bashful closeted fan kid ._.)
[x] OSHIMEN: Akimoto Sayaka
[x] AND CLOSE AFTER: Miyazawa Sae (Sayaka has a special reason to be my oshimen, but I support both of them equally and love both of them to death, individually and together as Twintowers)
[x] OTHER FAVORITES: Masuda Yuka, Noro Kayo, Takahashi Minami, Umeda Ayaka, Ohori Megumi  (old K biased. Indeeed. That doesn't mean I don't pay attention to other teams or the new members, though. Team 4 is full of fresh faces and personas that I love too, they just don't rank just as high as these above, for now)
[x] FAVORITE TEAM: Old K (duh!)
[x] FAVORITE STAGE: K4 (double-duh!)
[x] FAVORITE STAGE SONGS: Stand Up; Hana to Chire; Blue Rose; Return Match; Temo Demo no Namida; Junjou Shugi; Mushi no Ballad (yes, again, I'm K biased and I know it)
[x] FAVORITE SINGLE SONGS: Seifuku ga Jama wo Suru; RIVER; Beginner; Skirt Hirari; Choose Me!; ALIVE; Kurumi to Dialogue.
[x] FAVORITE SUB-UNIT: DiVA (triple-duh?)
[x] PAIRINGS I SHIP: SaeYaka (Helloo~ captain obvious!), MaYuki, MariKoji, MariYuu, Takacchan, WMatsui, MariMaachan, MeguKayo - I think I basically ship almost everything as long as it is entertaining and cute. In fanfictions, a very well written story can make me like pretty much every couple except for SaeYuki (I mean, shipping Twintowers AND MaYuki could give you a hint about that already, LOL)
I'm not really the kind of person who is able to check several e-mails for feedback, so if you want to contact me, please do so through my LJ account, or you can access my Twitter and Stage48 profiles through the links in the sidebar ^_^ I love to hear feedback about the whole blog and the fanfics, so if you have time to say a little something, don't hesitate in dropping a private message somewhere!