Blue Rose


29/08 - the background is fixed! It's plain, but it's temporary. ^^ Also we're trying to fish for new fanfics, but after Sae's transfer to SHN it's going to be hard ;_; GANBARIMASU ~


Blue Rose will never be enough information for you to know more about AKB48 or even SaeYaka! So if you're a fan (or you're trying to become a fan and getting to know them better), you should totally check out the following websites/blogs!

SaeYaka-related websites:
 SaeYaka Paradise - Ange's blog about SaeYaka. Actually the best source for SaeYaka-related news and the most popular SaeYaka based fansite. A must if you're either a fan of Sayaka Akimoto, Miyazawa Sae, or better: BOTH!
 Twintower-Love Tumblr - What is SaeYaka fandom without a SaeYaka tumblr? That's right! Bamboobranch answered your calls to the gods and created this tumblr only dedicated to SaeYaka! Contains must-know contents about the twintower!
 SaeYaka Diary - This is a new tumblr so I can't promise it will be active, but it has wonderful content created by the lovely artist Tutumon! Her gifs about SaeYaka are simply adorable and a quick way to raise up your mood and make you go cheezy-mushy for the rest of the day! Well at least that's my case LOL

 Everyday48 and Stage48 - These two forums are the best, and by best I mean a MUST, for a regular fan to keep his stuff updated. You can either only be active in one or, like me, stalk both (although I'm more into ebi48), but no online fan is complete without his fandom community. As for my recommendation, I'd definitely pick one of these or even both.
 Nihongogo - A good source for old AKBingo episodes or simply just to goof around. In this community, almost nothing is to be taken seriously. Don't really dig deep in this forum if you're too serious or light-hearted, though. They can be more shocking than 2chan.
 Jphip - They focus more in Hello! Project, but the difference between the H!P and AKB48 updates is not as big as Hello! Online in the forums. Mostly for entertainment-based threads, fanfiction or the Pairing section, this forum sometimes has content that is easier to find there than in others. Not a must, but if you only ship one or two pairings, this forum has organized threads for each pairing, and also a good active fanfiction section too.

Other AKB48 related websites
 Hello!Online - If you're a torrent user, you might find their torrent tracker useful. Sure the website is obviously more Hello!Project oriented, but they have some good AKB stuff too. The forums aren't really active, but some people keep on eye at it as they find it worthy just by their active torrents. Honestly I am a megaupload person rather than torrents because I hate being stuck depending on seeders, but it's up to one's taste. A lot of people like H!O's torrent sources, so I still recommend it ^_^
 TUTUMONrawrs! Tumblr - Tutumon is one of the persons I stalk the most *ninja mode* either her SaeYaka Diary Art Tumblr or this main tumblr, she always has great content in her accounts. She revolves a lot around Sae and sometimes Sayaka too, but she occasionally provides sources to download good quality stages and great pictures. Also if you want to stalk Sayaka-based or Sae-based tumblr accounts, you only need to take a look on the people she follows :3
 Studio48 - Always wanted to check the lyrics of that special AKB song? Search no more! Studio48 is currently the best updated lyrics source! Japanese, Romaji or translated to English, you pick it! Most of them also are sorted by colours so you can tell where it's your oshimen's turn to showcase her voice in the song! <3

I will keep updating this page for new stuff for you to check out! Also if you have an AKB-related page (I'd preffer if it was updated/active) and specially a SaeYaka one, don't hesitate to tell me as I'd love to take a look on it and I might even add it here! ^_^